Monday, May 3, 2010


So, I've been thinking about assumptions for the past week and what they have to do with out beliefs, specifically Creation and Evolution. Now, when debating, you must have a solid point from which you can stand, but before you can do that you must start with assumptions. Both the beliefs I am going to present today can be narrowed down to one or two assumptions, I chose Creation and Evolution because they are two beliefs I am most familiar with.

Evolution: I have not really studied Evolution but I think I have enough of a grasp to say this: If we give them that the world is already here and we are just talking about biological evolution, then there two base assumptions are, Spontaneous Generation, and Survival of the Fittest. They have to believe in spontaneous generation because, no matter how far back you go, there must be a time where life actually began. They have to believe in survival of the fittest because that is the engine which drives evolution. For example, if giraffes where just horses, and one day one was born with a slightly longer neck, he could reach up higher into trees to get the leaves the other horses couldn't. if there was a shortage of food and the horses ate all of the lower branches, he could still survive by eating the higher ones while most of the other horses died, he would then be able to pass the trait on to his offspring who would eventually become the majority and it would all begin again.

Christian Evolution: I really don't think Christian evolutionists have a leg to stand on (although if you disagree, feel free to tell me so), to the best of my knowledge, they believe that God created the first cell and then let mutations and natural selection do the rest. The problem with this is that it is not recorded this way in the Bible, if God didn't do it an said that He did, that was a lie, a lie is a sin. If God sinned once then there is no reason why He couldn't do it again, which means that nothing in the Bible can be trusted absolutely. Also Jesus is part of God, so Jesus wasn't perfect, since He wasn't perfect He couldn't take away our sins, which means that nothing can save if there is a heaven or a hell.

Creation: As a six day creationist, I must make the base assumption that God is real and He is who He says He is, this means that the account of the creation of the world and of life in Genesis is a He described it in the Bible. The rest of the Bible can still be taken as absolute truth and Jesus was able to save us when He came to the world.


Colleen Lafferty said...

there are several different theories of what you say as "Christian Evolution." the Day Gap, which is where each day is a million years. Or the one you posted, there are a few others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

As for normal evolution, I want to argue that Darwin had survival of the fittest right. However, they tend to live long enough to breed their idiot genes. Not saying life isn't valuable, but before modern medicine, and sterile technique, it was a way of survival of the fittest, but thats about all Darwin had right.
Evolutionist also change belief of what caused the big bang. The two,three biggest/newest that I know of is that the universe is ever expanding, trying to get away from whatever caused that initial "bang" and they are looking at tracing the universe backwards to find the center of it. Another one is that there are parallel universes, and when they collide the two existing universes die, and a new one is formed. (Still doesn't answer the question of where the first initial universe came from.)The other one is that all matter existed in a little ball of sorts, and some how exploded causing the universe we see today, after millions and billions of years. This "Theory" ties into the first one i said.
as for your idea of survival of the fittest, you're also throwing in Darwin's idea of micro evolution which is where little changes take place within the species (IE, the different kinds of dogs we now have).
All this is illogical.(of course, we Christians can't have logic. It's more logical to believe [yes, believe] that nothing compressed into something and blew up and made the current universe, or the parallel universes that gave us ours.) It's more logical, but most belief, that there is some sort of ID (intelligent design)that created the universe. And I figure if we can get to that point, we can start to prove God. Who is so bluntly obvious if you just look.

For more info, Answers in Genesis has so much information on all this. Check out their website.
(by the way, my mom is really really into all of this, so I've been forced to listen to it all... a million times.)
With much love in Christ,

Cacia said...

Nice post, Chris. =)