Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Purpose of Christ

Why did Jesus come to the Earth? If I asked just about any Christian that question (including myself) the answer I would probably get is "To save us" Is this answer wrong? No, but, is it all that Christ came for? Not in my opinion, although saving us is unarguably the most important reason he came I believe there was also another purpose. So, why did Jesus have to come and suffer so much, and then die for us? I'm not going to tell you. Why? because I want you guys to think of an answer, in a few days I will post what I think was a very important reason. But in the meantime, I would really appreciate your perspective on this, please comment on this post with your answer.

Okay, it's been a few days, I got a couple answers (thanks for the feedback, I think I'm going to try to find a slightly less distracting picture, although it will still probably have a castle in it) I guess I would say that, the reason he came is because he loved us. I was looking for something slightly less obvious, I guess I didn't phrase the question quite the way I wanted it.

To lead up to what I want to say, lets go through and list some of the things Jesus had to endure: He was poor, He was mocked for what He did, He was betrayed, He was falsely accused and sentenced, He was scourged with a whip (most likely with sharp pieces of rock or bone on the end) He was publicly humiliated, and He was killed by crucifixion, one of the most painful ways to die.
So why did Jesus have to go through that? Think about it, no matter how bad of a day we have, the chances are, we haven't been beaten, had pretty much our whole back ripped out with whip and been hung on a cross to die. Our definition of persecution  is, at most, verbal, we're not homeless and if you have a computer you're probably not poor. The point is, no matter how bad things can get, they are never going to be worse than what Jesus had to endure, and He did it willingly, not for Christians, but for sinners.


Storyteller SilverLoom said...

Great post, Chris! I think one of the reasons He came is because He loves us.

The picture is slightly distracting, but not overly so. The castle is neat.

Cacia said...

When God created the world, He knew that Man would sin. He had a perfect plan, a way to show mankind how much He loves us, how to bring us back to Him, how to cleanse us so that we could be in His presence, a way to reveal to lowly humans a glimpse of His power and glory. It was for His glory that He came, that He suffered, that He died. Jesus didn't want to drink the cup, but He did because it would bring His Father glory.
The reason all things exist is to bring God glory.

After that mini-sermon, this sounds out of place... =P
The castle is really cool. But then again, I'm extremely partial to castles...
Perhaps if you made the body text darker it would be easier to read - the white is hard to see.

Precentor said...

Good post :) I like the comments as well!